Have you ever wondered when you were in junior years in koleq, what was the one single cruellest thing ever done to you by your prefects?
In the late 80s and early 90s, prefects in charge of Prep School and New Hostel (unfortunately nowadays called; or rather self-proclaimed by them as “Custo” – the short form of custodian – too corny to a cynic like me ha ha) were really given free hands in the running and the dishing out of punishments to the F1s and F2s. I dare say that there was nothing worse than fire-drill or Common Room in those days, nothing that we dreaded so much more than that.
During my first semester break in May 1990, I told my parents that I wanted to leave the school because I couldn’t take it anymore. I can’t remember what was the conversation that took place but I did go on (like so many of us). Otherwise I wouldn’t have been around to tell you all these stories – and it would have been such a waste that what was the best part of my life so far; wouldn’t have been there. And all because of the overzealousness of some 16 and 17 year olds who lorded over us like Gods!
Anyway, in my book the cruellest thing ever done to anyone of us was perpetrated by my own dorm prefect (Dorm E) to Syed Moto (who adopted Dr M for Dr Moto nowadays). I think if we were to rank koleq’s cruellest act pun, over a period of 20 years, this one will always rank high in the list.
Those who have the privilege to know Moto would concur that he was unique. He was the tallest in koleq during our time that he required a special bed made for him to accommodate his long legs ha ha. He speaks like “moto” (laju nak mampus) hence the nickname Moto. He also has the longest name that required a separate IC just to spell his long name.
But when he was in Form 1, he operated a 7-11 store from his locker (to quote Radin ha ha) and it was a really un-kept and messy 7-11, if you know what I mean ha ha. To be blunt, locker dia ada segala jenis barang yg tah hapa2 (e.g. payung!) and memang bersepah giler. The joke among us was that bukak je locker Moto, habis bertaburan keluar barang bersepah macam avalanche ha ha
So not surprisingly he would have been picked on by the prefects each inspection, each night. It was quite a pity that after each inspection locker dia memang kena selongkar and he would spend the time after that to put in order (which never worked ha ha)
So one day, I think after he was given some ultimatum, this prefect went on to check his locker again. I was not nearby (his bed was at the end of Dorm E, mine was right in front of the cube) so I didn’t know how bad was the avalanche (if there was any ha ha).
But the prefect flipped and went back rushing to his cube, took his scissors. The next thing we knew he threw all Moto’s belongings through the big window at the end of Dorm E to the valley two storey below, he cut Moto’s kelambu and ripped the bed sheet etc. – all thrown outside, scattered all over the place.
But wait for it, that’s not the climax.
Moto was ordered to sleep at the corridor for more than a week! Imagine us waking up in the morning each day to find Moto sleeping at the corridor, curled in coldness ha ha ha. That’s why in our book Moto was the sole occupant of Dorm F – created specially for him.
Anyway last night there was a series of e-mail as Leman staged a come-back to make up for February’s appalling NIL point performance; and the jokes evolved from one to another.
Enjoy this – Moto finally gave his own thoughts on how he felt about the incident after all these years ha ha.
ini komplikasi peringkat tertinggi! Kawan2, jangan biarkan doktor moto menyulitkan hidup kita sekali lagi. Cukuplah tragedi Dorm F...
saya cadangkan dr m di yellow card macam hoki, 5 minutes duduk tepi padang kerana idea2 dan thesis2 yang memeningkan kepala.. same house? belakang kira
sbb tu aku dah immune .. ah .. tak heran duduk tepi padang .. dulu pun aku duduk tepi padang gak .. bukannye aku main ape ape .. tapi aku still boleh jerit dari tepi padang ... wakakaka
kesian la kat syedmoto.. korang halau duduk tepi padang.. dulu dia dah kena halau pi dorm F... hahah
dorm f .. miahahahahahaha .. teringin aku nak jumpa ID skarang .. kena tanya puyeng ah mana aku nak korek mamat ni
laaa dia jadi lecturer kat UniKL. pi lah visit dia he he he
kalau ko jumpa ID, call aku.. aku mmg nak pukul tibai dia.. dendam kesumat masih lagi membara ni. ID buat aku mcm hamba abdi masa F1 dulu.
okeh .. nanti aku stalk dia dulu ..tahu dulu pergerakan dia .. belajar pattern dia .. kenalpasti saudara mara dan tempat tinggal dia ... peh tu kita atur plan ....
laaaaaa yg ni pun kau dah buleh pakai nak revenge..."hello, saya dr m, phd lagi muda dari awak. saya laa yang awak campak barang2 keluar tingkap dorm e dulu and paksa tidor kat koridor."
antara barang2 yg dicampak :
1) biskut yg ada bau & rasa ubat gegat
2) payung yg disimpan dlm locker pendek kecik tu..
ha ha ha ha yang paling klasik biskut yang ada bau tu gegat tu... rasa aku x tahu sbb tak try lagi
tapi gula pun banyak kan? kalau uncle david x cukup gula dia pi mintak ngan dr m ha ha ha
Gula pun ada. Benda yg ko tak terpikir nak simpan pun dia boleh simpan dlm locker tu. Senang cite locker moto ada semua benda. Mcm 7 eleven
kau nak plan apa dr.m? kau nak potong markah dia gak ke?
banyak dah devil plan aku develop .. cuma cari masa dan mangsa je ...
tapi dia devil dari besi la dr.m... devil plan kau cukup mantap kah untuk mengatasi dia?